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G20 Blames Your Psychological Problems for their Failure

The G20 central bank and finance ministers met in Shanghai in April and cheered the rally in the markets after patting themselves on the back. They then issued...

Dalai Lama Warns Germany is Accepting “Too Many” Refugees

The Dalai Lama is warning that Germany cannot become an Arab country. The Dalai Lama apparently said that “too many” refugees are seeking asylum in...

Market Talk for June 1st, 2016

As rumored, Japan’s PM Mr. Abe announced today that the Sales Tax increase is to be delayed for the second time. This will very likely have an impact on Ratings...

Refugees Crossing Channel to Britain

Now we are beginning to see refugees taking off for England. Some are swimming across the channel while others are trying to make it in dinghies. Five others have...

Hillary’s Bad Week

Crooked Hillary, as she is starting be known as even behind the curtain, is really helping Trump because many Republicans who did not like Trump see her as just...

BREXIT Should Produce Record Turnout

According to our sources in Britain, it appears that the BREXIT camp should actually win if they allow a fair referendum, which is highly debatable. The Guardian...

Market Talk for May 31st, 2016

All the Asian indices performed well today and mainly off the back of the rumors that China -Shares are to be included in the MSCI soon. These were only rumors but...

The Numbers

QUESTION: Marty; your numbers are just incredible. Your number 17800 I thought would be elected. The Dow was above it and looked like it was preparing to take off....

Market Update Dow – Euro – Gold

We have provided a Market update for the May closing today in the Euro, gold, and the...

Bankers Forced out of Metals?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been trapped by these gold promoters and they indeed are like used car salesmen, worse since they are not regulated. I listened how...