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North Korea

Korea Political Crisis

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I first want to thank you for your forecast on South Korea, which you delivered here in Asia. I understand this is the computer....

The Four Powers Aligning

COMMENT: Marty, you have been spot on. North Korea, China, and Iran are banning together with Russia. What you have laid out is basic common sense. The ancient...

North Korea & War By 2025

North Korea has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US threatens its sovereignty. South Korea does not possess nuclear weapons but is protected by the United...

NATO threatens North Korea

North Korea has come out and denounced NATO’s condemnation of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, warning that the entity could face...

Troubles in Asia

  North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has escalated tensions with South Korea by declaring his “legitimate right” to annihilate its southern neighbor. This...

North Korea On the Brink of Famine

We recently reported that there is a cycle to famine. Sadly, the hermit kingdom of North Korea is no stranger to starvation due to the mass human rights abuses...

Powell Press Conference

North Korea – Famine & Civil Unrest

One of the reasons North Korea has such a large army is not patriotism. Those in the army are fed before everyone else. North Korea has always had a major problem...

When will North Korea Rise to Overthrow Kim Jung Un?

QUESTION: You said that Kim Jung Un was at risk of being overthrown and therefore he would have to shift direction or go to war. When do you see North Korea...

Rocketman May Have Destabilized the Ground in North Korea

Sources in South Korea are reporting that there was another earthquake in North Korea of a 2.7 magnitude near the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. This was the...