The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a well-funded organization many consider terrorists that is permitted to wreak havoc on the global population with no...
The Great Reset requires those in power to usurp our ability to farm and cultivate our own food. What better way to control the masses than to have complete control...
Various cultures and religions have been concerned about the end of time looming throughout history. Aethelred II (978-1016 AD) was so convinced the world was about...
The government has successfully weaponized the banks against the people. Major banks are voluntarily sharing customers’ private transactions with the federal...
When they tell us things such as, “You will own nothing,” we scoff and dismiss them. They are always placing the truth in plain sight. Did they have...
Comment: Thank you Martin Armstrong to take time to write on 15 min cities and accessory dwelling units or the ADUs. I must reach out and ask you to share my...
Most first-world nations are experiencing a crisis in housing affordability as there is simply not enough supply to meet the demand. Major corporations swept up the...
Republican Representative Thomas Massie is presenting an amendment to the US Constitution that would ensure Americans have the legal right to grow and...
Tyson Foods may be the next company to learn the lesson, “Go woke, go broke.” The same company that is partnering with the World Economic Forum to add insect...
The video above is an accurate depiction of how Millennials and Gen Z are operating in today’s economy. They were told that working hard and obtaining a...