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Who Really Controls Your Access to Politicians? The SWAMP!

  QUESTION: Marty, I watched Rep. Anna Paulina Luna interrogating the questionable Secret Service Director Cheatle. Paulina accused her of perjury. She says...

We Apologize

Hello everyone. We wish to offer our apologies for the wild afternoon. We have identified that this was caused by a direct denial of service attack on our login...

More Censorship


Interesting Times

COMMENT #1: Hello Mr. Armstrong,   I just did some homework: Between August 3rd and this morning, I received only 44% of your New Post blog e-mails. Out of the...

Land of the Free & Home of the Brave

COMMENT: Hi Martin, For months now, I don’t receive about half of your blog emails, most of the time the ones that are politically the most sensitive. For...