French authorities arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov last month for permitting encrypted messaging on his app that could not be accessed by governments. France...
We are headed into 2032, and every day that passes brings another step closer to revealing what I have warned about: this last 8.6-year wave will become the most...
I like Elon Musk for his innovative mind and willingness to speak out against the establishment. Is he part of the controlled opposition? I did not believe it to be...
?#Breaking A bishop and several worshippers have been attacked in another mass stabbing in Wakeley, Sydney Australia — Javeria Sultan...
The Canadian government does not want people sharing news stories online. The government should be the sole source of information. The Online News Act (Bill C-18)...
Despite the claim that the West is a free society and a democracy, they are engaging in the denial of free speech and censorship. Depending on your service provider...
Fox News fired their most popular reporter a day after the Dominion settlement. Within minutes, Fox lost $1 billion in market capitalization. Carlson claims that he...
China banned Facebook in 2009, instantaneously eliminating 700 million users from the platform. Mark Zuckerberg was unwilling to give up a piece of his social media...
@doctoryoun Now is the time to fight the ban on TikTok. Contact your senators and house members, sign the online petition, and encourage your fave influencers to...