The Bank of Canada voted to cut rates by 25 bps to 4.25%, marking the third consecutive rate cut. Inflation has allegedly slowed to 2.5% as of July, and Governor...
Before the evolution of the Industrial Revolution, Social Mobility truly did not exist. More often, one tended to follow in the footsteps of their family. Farmers...
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics has always been crafty with releasing data. The BLS consistently revises data from its monthly survey as it prefers to release...
Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled her first economic agenda – price controls. Reminiscent of the Soviet Union, Harris believes that the government should...
The coming economic collapse will not resemble the Great Depression. Yes, we are in a recession – but it will not be reminiscent of the Great Depression that...
US Treasury Secretary and establishment puppet Janet Yellen has denied the advice of her own advisors to encourage debanking practices. Twenty Republican Attorney...
COMMENT: Marty, I just had to write to congratulate you on Socrates’s truly amazing ability to forecast so many markets and economic statistics without...
Serving debt is the largest cost of Washington’s debt crisis; America currently spends $2.4 billion in daily interest fees alone. The debt and spending simply...
There has been so much disinformation and sensationalizing of Quantitative Easing that this has led to academic economists who lack any trading experience to...