What Gates & WHO Have Done to Third World Countries is Criminal
April 24, 2020
The press will not report what this lockdown has done worldwide. Third world countries are primarily service-oriented. These people have no savings and no...
Corruption Disease Human RightsTrump v Gates – Is Gates Winning to Overthrow Trump?
April 23, 2020
This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the...
Corruption Disease EconomicsAt Last – Gates’ Objective is Revealed – Destroy Economy Relaunch without CO2
April 20, 2020
SKY News Australia has reported the smoking gun. The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement has labeled the coronavirus an “opportunity” to raise...
Climate Conspiracy CorruptionIs it Time for a Class-Action Lawsuit Against the World Health Organization?
April 20, 2020
I have never seen such absolute rhetoric coming out of any organization that is supposed to be impartial as that from the World Health Organization. All of their...
CorruptionRobert Kennedy Jr & Ron Paul Come Out Against Fauci & Gates
April 11, 2020
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci MUST be stopped. Robert Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense, has come out with a warning: “Vaccines, for Bill...
Conspiracy Corruption DiseaseThe COVID-19 Fraud – It’s Massive
April 10, 2020
Whenever the government creates a program, they alter the incentives within society. I mentioned I have a friend in London whose mother went to the hospital...
Corruption DiseaseDid Bill Gates Buy the CDC?
April 6, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci has a $100 million conflict of interest which is why he was opposing Trump. He is in league with Bill Gates who has pledged $100 million for Fauci...
Corruption DiseasePRIVATE BLOG – The Seriousness We Face
April 2, 2020
PRIVATE BLOG – The Seriousness We Face Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
Conspiracy Corruption DiseaseUN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus
April 2, 2020
Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon...
Conspiracy Corruption DiseaseIs John Hopkins on the Take?
March 27, 2020
COMMENT: Hi, I am a big fan and a subscriber. For the record, please note the above. Johns Hopkins was once the most famous medical school in the country. I...
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