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US & British Are Torturing Julian Assange With Intent to Kill Him

The US prosecutors are conspiring with the British to ensure that Julian Assange never goes to trial and what is taking place is the collapse of civility and...

Klaus Schwab – the Totalitarian of the 21st Century

Klaus Schwab is the person who has been behind the destruction of the world economy. As I have said, those on the left also see that utopia is just around the...

John McCain Conspired Against Trump With Hillary

COMMENT: Marty, your sources were correct when you said John McCain had conspired against Trump and was trying to help Hillary. The Inspector General Report...

Call Biden to the Impeachment Trial

If I were Trump, I would use the Senate impeachment trial to call Joe Biden and enforce the subpoena in the Supreme Court since the trial must be conducted by the...

Eric Holder Covering His Ass & The Obama Administration’s Investigation of Trump

Former US Attorney General, Eric Holder, had the audacity to write in the highly partisan Washington Post with the headline: “William Barr is unfit to be...

If Vaccines are Safe Why Did Congress Eliminate Your Right to Sue Pharmaceutical Companies?

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for your blog on “Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity”. We are dealing with the same laws trying to be passed...

Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity

Most people are unaware of the EXTREME DANGER posed by the Pharmaceutical Industry and their effort to force vaccines on the entire population by law and at the...

Corruption & the Rich

QUESTION: Dear Martin, With all due respect I think you are not being fair on the question of earning or not a lot of money. First of all there LOTS of people that...

Taxpayers Have Been Paying for Sexual Harassment by Politicians

Believe it or not, those who make the laws have always excluded themselves from them in most cases such as insider trading in stocks to settlements for their...

Civilization Dies When One Class Turns Against Another

China is NOT on board with this nonsense of climate change caused by humans. The South China Morning Post has reported that their scientists have traced their...