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The Insanity Continues

COMMENT #1: It has started. No cash accepted. QUESTION #2: Hi, If the government decides the whole nation needs to be tested for the virus. Will they then have the...


Yes, we do accept questions in various languages and try to translate them faithfully to English. So no problem in submitting them in your native language if that...

Preferred v Ordinary Shares

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What are your thoughts on preferred shares? Especially the ones with good quality DBRS ratings. Will the survive the downturn or will they...

The Significance of the Velocity of Money

QUESTION: Greetings Marty, I have followed you since the old Money Radio days! Can you help me understand the disparity between the declining velocity of money, the...

USA & EU Differences in Monetary Policy

QUESTION: Sir,      In March 2013 Cyprus performed a forced loan through their banking system of about 50%. You have warned that if they do it there, they will...

Gold & the Dow

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I have been following your blog for years now. I am not a trader or financial person in any sense of the word but I take a keen interest in...


  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, looking at the analysis of Socrates on gold we see that the Momentum is bullish, trend is bullish, cycle trend is bullish, but Long...

Reader Comments & Observations

COMMENT #1:  Regarding your post Currency vs Language, I wanted to add that in NY I have an abundance of IT co-workers that are H1-B visas holders working as...

Language & Culture are the Keys

QUESTION: Martin Really enjoy the blog & Socrates. Has given me insights I otherwise would have never had. You have mentioned that one of the reasons why the...

What Books Are There on Monetary History?

QUESTION: Sir, My son is studying US History this year in 8th grade. You have a lot on your plate and appreciate what you have been doing for us. What is the best...