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Coronavirus, Hedge Funds Blow Up & the Elephant in the Room Nobody Notices

I do not like to contribute to conspiracy theories. They are more often just wrong. I have mentioned that there was massive liquidation last week, but it is not...

Germany Closing its Borders

GERMANY has just closed its borders within Europe and that includes France. The free movement of goods should remain secured. Commuters can also continue to cross...

Will Coronavirus Alter the Economy Forever?

I have been doing my own investigation using REAL DIRECT sources who do suggest that the death rate caused by the flu is higher than reported and in that case, the...

Trump – Mar-a-Lago – Coronavirus

President Trump declared a national emergency in Washington today. The market rallied on his announced measures and closed above the target number we provided for...

A FICTIONAL EXERCISE TO CONTROL PANDEMIC – Oct. 18, 2019 – That is Destroying the World Economy

  This is a video of select moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with...

Tom Hanks & Wife Test Positive & Trump Closes Travel with EU

The actor Tom Hanks said on Wednesday that he and his wife, Rita Wilson, have the coronavirus. They said they will remain in their apartment. Meanwhile, President...

The Cyclical Nature of Disease

QUESTION: Do you think there is any validity that this was a leak from their biolab in China? HDF COMMENT: I saw the claims that they spliced AIDS into the...

Governments Cheering Coronavirus to Push Agendas

COMMENT: Marty; You really do understand government. No sooner you posted how they will never let a crisis go to waste and the Democrats are using the coronavirus...

The Cyclical Character of Coronaviruses

QUESTION: Marty, why is this coronavirus creating such a panic? It does seem that it is being used to achieve some power expansion for governments. Do you have any...

Never let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

QUESTION: First, Thank You for sharing your knowledge about the way the Planetary Economy really works without all the BS. Please do not get discouraged and keep up...