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The Dow – Impeachment – Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong Thank you for this education. I’ve had to unlearn almost everything from the MBA I got. They’ll never teach this stuff in...

Let the Political Games Begin – Battle to the Death

Well when our computer warned that the 2020 election was going to be the most contested and violent, we just saw how it will kick-off. The impeachment trial has...

Is the Boom-Bust Cycle Dead?

QUESTION: Do you agree with Bridgewater’s Bob Prince that the Boom-Bust Cycle is over? Have they made an offer to buy you out yet? SH ANSWER: Absolutely no...

Quebec Issued the First Paper Money in the New World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, a goldbug told me you were wrong that paper currency did not begin with the Civil War. I told him you have written plenty of times about...

PRIVATE BLOG – Interest Rates & Why the ECB Can Go Broke

PRIVATE BLOG – Interest Rates & Why the ECB Can Go Broke Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Market Talk – February 5, 2020

ASIA: Hong Kong announced that any travelers from mainland China will be faced with a 14-day quarantine period before being allowed into the country. Carrie Lam,...

Do Rising or Falling Sea Levels Prove Anything?

QUESTION: The argument that man has caused global warming and that sea levels will rise is evidenced by many places that were on the sea are now inland such as...

Why Exaggerated Nonsense on Flu?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why is there such an exaggerated response to this Coronavirus when the death toll is far less than the flu each year? Both the Swine and...

Real Estate – Cycles – Real Value

QUESTION: Your real estate model which peaked in 2007 was the broad crazy speculative market you explained in the low end of the market. Then there was a rally back...

Iowa Caucus

  The two big winners among the Democrats were Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg. Sanders drew heavy support from nearly half of 17-29-year-olds (48 percent)...