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Month: March 2014

The Most Dangerous Man in Western Europe?

Everyone who knows me, knows I was very fond of Margaret Thatcher. We had some very deep conversations that revealed her true character and wisdom. She knew her...

China Supports Russia – Former Countries of the Soviet Block in Crisis Many Believe they are Next

China has come out in support of Russia. This is the real cost of the NSA. Spying on  everything has cost America its respect and its allies. Obama is a lawyer,...

Russia Demands Ukraine Surrender by Dawn in Crimea

Russia is characterizing this event using the bullshit people have posted claiming this was a CIA plot and says anyone who is seeking to defend Ukraine is a threat...

US Does Not Tolerate Free Speech Either – Hypocrisy at its best

If we do not respect that people have an absolute right to freely protest whatever they object to, then there can be no free speech or a free society. There is no...

War – Civil v International

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I studied at the Citadel Military College where I was introduced in Philosophy to your Economic Confidence Model. They taught it there in...

Training Conference Sold Out

We are very sorry but the Training Conference is sold out There are only a few seats left for the...

Ukraine Was the 3rd Largest Nuclear Power & the Home of the Chernobyl disaster

Two facts about Ukraine that seem to have been overlooked. Ukraine is the site of the famous Chernobyl disaster that took place the 26th of April 1986. To this...

Corruption & the Rich

There is little doubt that organizations have manipulated markets and even government. The higher you raise taxes, the higher the level of corruption. This is why I...

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly...

Kiev Appeals to NATO For Help

The prelude to war. It Begins. Russian Invading Ukraine Ukraine: Violent clashes in Kharkiv leave dozens...