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Tag: Putin

A Very Convenient Coincidence

QUESTION: You noted that the Pentagon rejected Poland sending planes to Ukraine showed they were not behind this drive. Is this just politicians? LW ANSWER: Wars...

Trump v Biden According to Putin

“Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in...

Putin Explains the Importance of the Minsk Agreement to Zelensky (2019)

  Putin was deeply involved in securing the Minsk Agreement long before Zelensky came to power. Although people are calling the current attack on Ukraine...

Boycotting Anything Russian   Stolichnaya vodka plans to rebrand their product to sound less Russian. This comes on the tail of restaurants,...

Biden: Putin Will Never Gain the Hearts of the Iranian People

As the global economy is sinking rapidly, President Biden’s State of the Union address caused most to fear the incompetent leadership at the helm. The...

Has Biden Unknowingly Begun World War III in Financial Markets?

We have a very serious problem. I know where the advice to Biden and other world leaders is coming from, as they are telling them to seize all the assets of...

Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?

One must wonder if the West is intentionally trying to create a full-scale European war. “Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and...

Ukraine Arming Citizens

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, has acknowledged that his military is not able to ward off Russia’s invasion and is asking citizens to participate in...

Russia Remains Unbothered by Threats of Sanctions

Viktor Tatarintsev, ​Russia’s ambassador to Sweden, has said that Russia is not worried about sanctions. “Excuse my language, but we don’t give a s–t...

The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

Hosting the Olympics is not cheap, but it’s a privilege most countries vie after for prestige. The 2022 Winter Olympics is estimated to cost China around $4...