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Election Chaos & Civil War

QUESTION: Hi Marty, if i am not mistaken Socrates has predicted civil unrest regardless of who stands as president when the election is over. Is Socrates able to...

Deep State Preparing for War?

There appears to be a Deep State move to create a new Iron Curtain to ban China from the world economy unless they comply with the New Green Deal. Reliable sources...

Migration Patterns & the Risks Behind the US Election

  QUESTION: Being there is lots of trouble coming after the election, does Socrates see a mass exit of people to other countries ie Canada? CM ANSWER: No, the...

New Ad Depicts 2020 Election as a War

  Socrates not only had forecast that 2015.75 would be the peak in government and the start of the Big Bang, which was initiated by the move to negative...

China & US War in 3 Months?

The former Labor Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd has come out in a piece he wrote in Foreign Affairs – Beware the Guns of August—in Asia. Rudd is...

Bolton – A Relic Who Would Create World War III in a Heartbeat

QUESTION: What do you think of Bolton & his $2 million book deal? HS ANSWER: I have zero respect for Bolton and whatever he says I would never trust. Bolton is...

China v USA

QUESTION: Obviously, China is not Hitler or Napoleon with dreams of conquering the world. The days of empire building are gone. China has always been the one who is...

The Cheerleaders of War

China Proposes A Law Allowing Citizens To Sue US For Starting Coronavirus Pandemic which is entirely understandable after the US Congress proposed Americans can sue...

Hong Kong – The Matchstick to War?

The US-China tensions over Hong Kong are boiling over. The US government is reportedly considering imposing sanctions on Chinese firms and officials over China’s...