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  Bangkok World Economic Conference   World Economic Conference  presents Martin Armstrong November 2 -3, 2012 Grand Hyatt Erawan, Bangkok Special Report...

Milton of Freedom


Married to an Idea – The Dow & Elliot Wave

In trading, the first primary rule is: Do not marry the trade! This is what destroyed Japan. Because of the accounting rules Japanese investors did not have to...

  This is a race between Pepsi & Coke. They get everyone riled up over the social issues of abortion and gay rights, yet the real substance they gloss...

Has Greece Bottomed?

Has Greece Bottomed? Very interesting price action in Greece. We will be looking at this in detail at the Berlin Conference Dec 1 &...

Southeast Asian Forecast

What a lot of people in the West may be unaware of is that Southeast Asia is trying to blend their economies into a trading region. They are maturing and preparing...

Double Edge Sword of the Invisible Hand

There is clearly a double edge sword to Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand. At first, there is the self-interest that combines to create the economy by everyone...

The Rise in Uncertainty Shines a Light on Asia

There is a rise in the global economic uncertainty.that is even felt in Southeast Asia. Even a survey of Ernst and Young just revealed that 40 per cent of companies...

Phase Transition

The most serious problem we face has been the Marxist-Keynesian presumption that government is even capable top manipulating the economy. Paul Volcker in his 1979...