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Month: March 2022

Germany to Begin Confiscating Guns

Germany is repeating its past mistake from 1938 when Hitler authorized the Gun Control Act that banned “enemies of the state,” such as liberals and Jews, from...

Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan for Oil

Russia is not the only country turning to the yuan. Beijing is in talks with Saudi Arabia to begin purchasing oil with their own currency opposed to the USD. Saudi...

Digital Currencies & Rations

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong A question that is worrying so many… Will programmable central bank digital currencies be successful once introduced? Kind...

Ukraine Adopts WEF Proposals

Zelensky has just signed into law the first steps of Schwab’s Great Reset. He announced he is introducing a Social Credit Application combining Universal...

Market Talk – March 17, 2022

ASIA: Indian banks may face some headwinds from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which could lead to higher inflation and some stress for borrowers, S&P Global...

Forbes Fires Journalist Who Revealed Fauci’s Finances

Adam Andrzejewski reported that Dr. Anthony Fauci became America’s highest-paid public employee amid the pandemic, and that report cost him his job at Forbes. The...

Americans Want Energy Independence

Americans want President Biden to “green light the restart of the building of the Keystone XL pipeline that would transport oil from Canada’s oil sands region...

NATO Calls up Hundreds of Thousands of Troops Ready to Begin WWIII

The pressure to start World War III is on. NATO now expects that there will be a major war with Russia and the confrontation may come even in a few weeks. The NATO...

The Sunshine Protection Act

The US Senate unanimously voted for the Sunshine Protection Act to maintain daylight saving time. Finally, lawmakers realize policies implemented decades ago are no...

The Scheme behind the Great Reset

As the press covered Zelnensky’s professional speech carried out by his acting training, he continued to try to pull on the heartstrings of the American...