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Month: February 2022

Canada Arresting Journalists – This is Face of New Age of Totalitarianism

This is what is WRONG with our legal system in both Canada and the United States. The government gets to violate our rights, and it is our burden to go to court to...

Is Canada Doomed in the Death Grip of the WEF?

COMMENT: Trudeau is an egotistical narcissist and if the Conservative party can nominate a reasonable party leader without being seen as a puppet for the former...

El Salvador’s President Criticizes Canada’s Democracy

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador criticized Canada’s actions toward the Freedom Convoy and declared that Trudeau has lost all credibility. “Are these the...

The Democracy Index

The Economist publishes an annual Democracy Index to rank nations based on their Democratic freedoms. The annual survey of 167 nations gauges five measures of...

Trudeau & the Bonus Army

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, you are one of the most intelligent and ardent supporters of freedom on the internet. That said, I cannot understand how you continually use...

Canadian Parliament Protects Schwab, Trudeau, & WEF

  The Canadian Parliament shuts down probably the most important question concerning treason against the Canadian people. Stating that Schwab has bragged about...

Trudeau Calls Conservatives Nazi Sympathizers – Watch How They Respond

  Trudeau shows no sympathy or emotion. He refuses to apologize for claiming members of Parliament “stand with the swastika” even when members...

The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan

  We face a clear and present danger from various heads of state who are seeking to promote the cancel-culture to suppress any opposition to alter our future...

Hong Kong Approves Vaccinating 3-Year-Olds

Hong Kong is taking extreme measures to fund Sinovac Biotech after announcing children as young as three may receive the vaccine. This comes after various news...