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Tag: Greenpeace

Greta Poses for the Cameras Amid Arrest

Greta Thunberg is willing to defy the authorities to fight climate change, or at least that is what they want you to believe. They paint this young girl as a...

Civil Unrest Growing in Germany Over Energy Inflation

Protests over the rising cost of energy are popping up throughout the West. Over the weekend, thousands of Germans from six different cities took to the streets to...

Greenpeace to Ditch Greta

Reports are circulating that Greenpeace may soon ditch their poster child for climate change, Greta Thunberg. The Swedish activist was pushed to fame as a child and...

Is the Gates Foundation Transparent?

QUESTION: Isn’t Bill Gates linked with Al Gore and Greenpeace? Was he too using Greta? Wasn’t he funding covert political events in India? KR ANSWER: I...

The Rise of the Left

QUESTION: Hi Marty I work as a Professor of Surgery and read your blog every day. I’ve worked all over the world and remain intrigued by the changes your model is...

Climate Change & the 2020 ECM Turning Point

The climate change propaganda has become a major economic factor which is undermining the global economy and lowering the standard of living for the average person....

Exploitation of Greta – Greenpeace & Al Gore

COMMENT: So it seems that Greta Thunberg was not a true believer in climate change, but that her parents got her involved in the movement so as to help with her...

Greta Thunberg When She Can’t Read a Script from Greenpeace

  Greta has been named “Person of the Year,” which is supposed to be a great honor. Of course, TIME is not without their flaws since in 1938 they...

Media Conspiracy that the Washington Post & NY Times Declined to Join

What is fascinating is the revelation that mainstream media has indeed conspired with the group led by Greenpeace to sell climate change. This includes the top...

The Killing Fields & Greenpeace’s Greta Thunberg

A reader reminded me that the leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, embraced the same ideals we are listening to in the rising trend of socialism and climate change....