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Tag: France

French Mayor Will Now Tear Down The Refugee Camp known as the “Jungle”

It has begun. The French port town of Calais will soon tear down the refugee camp known as the “Jungle,” says town’s mayor. He wants all...

French Pay $14,500 Per Month for Hollande to Get His Hair Cut

Hollande is a socialist to the core; he claimed to hate the rich, yet spends taxpayers’ money like nobody else. He spends $14,500 per month for haircuts....

Nice Terror Attack Threatens European Uprising

Just the other day, Patrick Calvar, head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), France’s equivalent of MI5 or the CIA, warned that in the...

Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place...

Comments from France

COMMENT #1:  The current protests are not “The People against the State” and therefore it is not a revolution. It is the Left (CGT union and alike)...

The Second French Revolution? Or Just Major Civil Unrest?

All of our sources in France warned that labor civil unrest was going to explode. Now, hundreds of thousands of citizens have poured onto the streets in France and...

Paris Under Water but Not as Bad as 1910

COMMENT: Here in France, they are blaming this flood on global warming. It seems that anything to do with weather they point to global warming and want more...

Hollande Objects to Any Special Deal for Britain to Stay in EU

Sometimes you really have to ask: Is French President Francois Hollande simply clueless? At a European Union summit, Hollande said he opposes Britain’s...

France in State of Economic Emergency

President Francois Hollande has publicly stated that the French economy is now in a state of “economic emergency.” He set out a €2bn job creation...

French Politics are Turning Ahead of 2017

Comment:  a poll that may be of some interest to you. It says that the National Front is now enjoying a massive support among police and armed forces in France....