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Tag: Fake News

Common Theme: All Protestors are Far-Right Nazis

The Italian press is keeping the theme that anyone who dares to protest and complain about lockdowns is a worthless far-right person who does not deserve even to...

Flu Death Down Two-Thirds – CDC Admits Hospitals Have Monetary Incentive to Call it COVID

Flu deaths are down two-thirds from the five-year average thanks to COVID-19. The corruption is self-evident. When you pay hospitals for all expenses if the patient...

Anti-Lockdown Protestors Are Being Called Conspiracy Theorists

The fourth anti-Lockdown protest erupted in London once again. Wikipedia, the leftist controlled pretend neutral media platform, has compiled a list of lockdown...

Fauci – Truth – Coming Tyranny

There is a lot of disinformation running around concerning COVID-19. There is a virus, that is for sure. It was not a biological weapon, for the kill ratio is way...

It’s Always a Conspiracy

COMMENT: So, behind the curtain I was told you’re actually in league with Klaus, Mr. Armstrong 😀 I know, how I dare to even ask but Marty, what’s...

London Fake News

COMMENT: Martin, Not one word in either the Sunday Times or The Times regarding the London protests against the Draconian Coronavirus 2020 or the Police’s...

FAKE News Has Been Around for Thousands of Years

Many people claim that fake news is just something that Trump made up. They fail to realize that fake news has been a major political tool for thousands of years....

The NY Times Supported Stalin & Communism As the Way to the Future

The New York Times cheered Stalin and constantly reported that this was the way to the future. Their top journalist, Walter Duranty (1884-1957), was their man in...