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World Events

Professor Jordan on Climate Change – the Reality

Hell has Actually Frozen Over

  There is a town named HELL in Michigan. It has actually frozen over. There were more than 3,600 flight cancellations and more than 14,867 delays. This...

Nothing Can be Reduced to a Single Cause & Effect be it Markets or Nature

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for the Socrates forecast. Just a question. What will possibly happen to existing Tropic Belt countries like my region South...

Markets Cheer a Recession?

The rally in gold and the stock market together is demonstrating that eventually, we will see the alignment as it transforms from Public to Private assets. The most...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed Yields to Global Economic Meltdown

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed Yields to Global Economic Meltdown Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist....

Private v Public Pension Funds & Who MUST Own Govt Bonds

QUESTION:  Martin. Do you give credence to the work of … ? Can’t government pension funds be privatised or sent to open market? Thank you. NM ANSWER:...

Governments Are Sucking in Assets like a Black Hole

QUESTION: Hello Sir, I am French and have been reading you for many years (I already read you while you published papers while you were very unfairly imprisoned)....

Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been reading your blog for years now. It is obvious that you are well connected behind the curtain. It did not take but perhaps a...

Trump & Reopening Government for 3 Weeks

It is interesting to watch how the press spins the fact that Trump has agreed to fund the government for three weeks. Our computer strangely was picking the week of...