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World Events

Call Biden to the Impeachment Trial

If I were Trump, I would use the Senate impeachment trial to call Joe Biden and enforce the subpoena in the Supreme Court since the trial must be conducted by the...

Population Crisis


Snow in Thailand

A reader from Thailand has sent this in. Maybe the first White Christmas in...

Bangladesh Death Toll from Extreme Cold – A Warning to us All!

Bangladesh has a subtropical monsoon climate characterized by wide seasonal variations in rainfall, high temperatures and humidity. The three distinct seasons in...

Charlemagne, Vikings & Global Warming

QUESTION: Would u care to comment on after the Roman Empire fell, and how the franks a collection of tribes given there own area Holland in today’s terms then...

The BS of Climate Change from Polar Bears to Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have worked in the Arctic Circle. They always show polar bears on ice but what they fail to tell the public is that they normally spend...

Bank of England will Remain Outside of the Eurozone

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I am a follower of your blog since I saw your film on a plane coming back from the US. Recently I purchased access to the private blog...

France Bans Nativity Scene from Pubic Property

France has banned the display of any Nativity scenes from public property which has many French quite upset that because of the large Muslim population, the very...

Iceland Buried in 30 foot Snowfall

The biggest snowstorm in recorded memory has hit Iceland. The Emigration Center is under 30 feet of snow. It has never snowed like this so horses typically remained...

Wikipedia: Fake News & Propaganda – A Tool of the Deep State?

Wikipedia is a professional propaganda organization that allows fake news and outright illegal propaganda to dominate the internet. Most schools no longer accept...