EU Proves It Has Become an Authoritarian Government
June 19, 2017
The European Commission President JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker, has come out and boldly stated that Poland and Hungary and their refusal to take in a single refugee person...
European Union RefugeesBritain Under Attack – Exiting EU is Only Choice
June 5, 2017
As we approach June 8th and the elections in Britain, one must wonder how is Britain going to remain inside the EU. The British never voted on allowing the refugees...
BRITAIN Refugees TerrorismHamburg Still Seizing Property for Refugees
May 19, 2017
Back in October 2015, we reported that “in response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to...
RefugeesPoland – The Next Crisis for the EU – Independent Sovereignty is the Issue
May 3, 2017
Poland represents a major threat to the EU. The entire idea of the EU was the propaganda that Member States would successively grow into a real Union through...
European Union RefugeesDutch Elections – Ides of March is Upon Europe
March 11, 2017
On March 15th, 2017, the Ides of March, we will see the Dutch elections which are the next big test of nationalist populism as it is being called by...
European Union Politics RefugeesMartin Schultz Wants to Give Refugees the Right to Vote in German Election
February 22, 2017
To win the election in Germany, the SPD & Greens want to move to change the law regarding voting rights. Essentially, they want to give the refugees a right...
Germany Politics RefugeesRefugee Rapes in Swimming Pools now in Canada?
February 18, 2017
In Edmonton, Canada, six teenage girls under 16 were allegedly touched (sexually assaulted) by a Syrian refugee, Soleiman Hajj Soleiman, 39, at a water-park. This...
Canada RefugeesIs Merkel Just Out of Her Mind?
February 11, 2017
Angela Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union has refused to surrender to the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU)’s demand for an upper limit for newly...
Germany RefugeesAn Irreversible Error: German Birth Rate Soars for the First Time in 33 Years
December 29, 2016
The irreversible error of the refugee crisis has resulted in the birth rate suddenly soaring in Germany for the first time in 33 years. The refugees are altering...
Germany RefugeesMerkel’s Refugee Nightmare
December 28, 2016
The prospect of Merkel winning reelection dwindles with each terrorist attack. This time refugee “youths” set a homeless person on fire in the Berlin...
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