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Armstrong Economics 101

PRIVATE BLOG – The Turning Point

PRIVATE BLOG – The Turning Point Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Does Davos Always Get it Wrong?

  QUESTION: Summers has also come out and expressed that whatever forecast comes out of Davos is wrong. How can there be this conspiracy that the elite are in...

Next Financial Crisis – Stocks, Currency or Bonds?

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Would you please clarify the difference between an economic collapse and the currency crisis? Are they one and the same? In one of the...

Online v Brick & Mortar

QUESTION: Sir, My daughter works at a brick and mortar pet smart store as a 33 hour per week employee. She told my wife that PetSmart bought the online pet food...

PRIVATE BLOG – What to Expect in This 8.6-Year Wave of the ECM

PRIVATE BLOG – What to Expect in This 8.6-Year Wave of the ECM Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

The Economic Confidence Model & the Shift in Trend

While we took the back cover of the Economist for 3 weeks during July 1985 to announce the beginning of the Private Wave stating that the dollar had peaked...

Do Lower Interest Rates Really Produce Bull Markets in Stocks?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Yes, the political situation in our country is out of control and you are right, there is no turning back. But this truly pales in comparison to...

“Economics” – What Does the Term Imply?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am following your blog while living in the Netherlands and first of all I would like to express my deep admiration for the work you...

Cyclical Waves of Innovation

QUESTION: Good Day, have you ever checked for cyclicity in scientific discovery and/or invention? if so, does your computer suggest anything about the next physics...

Socialists Want to Outlaw Speculation

The debate in Europe emerging is just unbelievable. The Socialists are trying to outlaw all speculation for in their mind it is speculation that is causing prices...