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The Fate of Yugoslavia is the Same Fate of the Roman Empire

A lot of emails have come in about the video about the Yugoslavian Civil War video. The core of the video is indeed how civilization collapses. I have stated many...

George Washington University Engages in Political Subversion

Well, if you are paying for your children to go to university, you better scratch George Washington University off the list. Students attending George Washington...

Market Talk – July 17, 2020

ASIA: China has accused the Trump administration of being “very pathetic” amid reports that Washington is considering a sweeping visa ban on Communist party...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dollar Down & Dirty?

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dollar Down & Dirty? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Toronto Bans Holy Communion in Churches – Is History Repeating?

There we go again… Toronto banned (Catholic and Orthodox) churches from giving Holy Communion. Not long ago, all churches were forced to close for more than...

The Legacy of Socrates for Humanity

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for spending your precious time to compose such a detailed blog post. The gems within your answer truly clarify this seemingly...

Trend in Interest Rates

COMMENT: Marty, Good morning. Repo rates have been creeping up ever so slightly and quietly. Points wise not much, but percentage-wise, numbers are getting bigger....

Market Talk – July 16, 2020

ASIA: China’s economy returned to growth in the second quarter after a deep slump at the start of the year, but unexpected weakness in domestic consumption...