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Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change

The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water...

Japan Turns to Robotic Suit HAL (hybrid assisted limb) as Work Force Ages

Japan has a real problem. Its population is just over 127 million and the new births are just 1 million annually. Japan is a country with one of the highest rates...

Greece – Selling Out to the Establishment

Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, has sold his country out to the failed ideas of the euro. There is no possible way for this deal to work for it will bring...

Is Copper the New Gold?

Electric cars are rapidly entering the market. This is causing more than just a decline in the demand for oil. The i8 BMW is a hybrid that still has a combustion...

UK to Ban WhatsApp Messaging Service

The UK is ready to ban WhatsApp thanks to the Investigatory Powers Bill, also known as “Snoopers Charter”. This new act will allow the government to...

“The Forecaster” U.S. Debut in Cherry Hill, NJ on August 1, 2015

We will be holding a special one-time event for our clients only. We will be showing “The Forecaster” on Saturday, August 1, 2015, with a question and answer...

Market Talk

The renewed compromised has, in the eyes of the market, already been accepted and everything is back to normal and all is forgotten! Well, that is certainly how the...

China – The Bounce

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong. Everyone knows why the bankers hate you. They say you have way too much influence. You come out and say Shanghai should bottom tomorrow and...

Real Estate – the Peak is Here

I reported that we sold my mother’s house in one week. I too follow our model. The bounce in real estate into 2015.75 seems to be unfolding on time. What will...

DFT of Netherlands Poll: 60%+ of Dutch Want Out of Euro

The leaders of the EU are on a collision course with the population of Europe. This is now moving beyond Greece. Even in Northern Europe in Germany and the...