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Celebrities Who Want to Leave the Country if Trump is Elected

At the end of the day, does it really matter who becomes President? Typically, Democrats raise taxes and start wars and Republicans lower taxes and end wars (with...

Looking more like Trump v Hillary

Donald Trump absolutely crushed Cruz after taking all five states including Pennsylvania and Maryland. Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, but...

Market Talk – April 26, 2016

Unfortunately, it was just the Nikkei that prevented a positive “clean-sweep” for core Asian indices today. The Nikkei remains nervous ahead of the BOJ despite...

The Dangerous Ability to Create Propaganda The technology that has emerged to create political propaganda convincing enough to launch wars has crossed the...

Ted Cruz and John Kasich Criminal Conspiracy?

Ted Cruz and John Kasich have actually conspired to commit a federal crime by denying the American people the right to vote. They announced that they will each step...

Market Talk — April 25, 2016

This week all eyes will be focused on Central Banks, namely the BOJ, RZB and time again for the Federal Reserve. Stocks have started the week on a nervous note with...

60,000 People Change Parties in Pennsylvania to Vote for Trump

The political unrest is rising. In Pennsylvania, nearly 60,000 people have changed their political party in order to vote for Trump in the primary. There is clearly...

Freedom Party Wins First Round in Austria’s Presidential Elections

  Merkel’s invitation to Muslims to come to Europe without limitation has destroyed the very fabric of Europe. Now, Austria’s Freedom Party, an...

Asset Recycling – Robbing Pensions to Cover Govt. Costs

We are facing a pension crisis, thanks to negative interest rates that have destroyed pension funds. Pension funds are a tempting pot of money that government...

Historical Evidence of Climate Change Links to Political Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read your thesis on global warming and that this is only part of a natural cycle. I admit that you have persuaded me whereas the...