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Month: May 2020

Netanyahu of Israel Suggests Microchipping Kids & Mandatory Vaccines Begin

I just do not know if we are living in the middle of a B-SciFi Movie with a plot that is just absurd. Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry should use new...

Where to Hide – Nobody Knows Just Yet

QUESTION: Signor Armstrong, anni fa ho letto il libro di Ayn Rand, la Rivolta di Atlante, lei mi ricorda tanto John Galt e Socrates la sua tecnologia segreta....

Mirror Mirror on the Wall – They Are Trying to Make Us Socialists After All

As we head into the end of this 51.6-year cycle which peaks in 2032, I have warned that historically, this is when we get the most tyrannical moves on the part of...

The People are Rising Up – Journalists & Politicians Beware   A former respected journalist has come out quite angry and has called for the people to overthrow the Merkel...

Green Energy Delusion – We Can Never Get to Zero CO2

  This interesting documentary exposes the falsehood about green energy and the outright lies we are told that somehow this will save the planet. They call it...

Social Distancing Covert Tactic Against Civil Unrest

The implementation of social distancing has clearly an entirely different intent and purpose which has nothing to do with this fake epidemic of COVID-19.  Going to...

Market Talk – May 8, 2020

 ASIA: The official Urban Unemployment rate in China was 5.9% in March, as per the data published by the Ministry of Commerce. Yet, the Chinese Academy of Social...

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market for the Close of May 8th

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market for the Close of May 8th Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...