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Month: December 2017

The 2018 Outlook Report

We are now starting the 2018 Outlook Report and this is going to be a shocker. We are looking at the start of a Panic Cycle Year in many markets. This warns we can...

2017/2018 Commentary on Private Blog Tomorrow

We will be posting the commentary based on the 2017 closings tomorrow on the Private...

Market Talk- December 29, 2017

Year end book squaring outweighed yet more positive economic data to close the Nikkei a tad weaker on the day, but closes up 34% on the year. Earlier positives were...

This Flu Season Begins the Risk of a Pandemic 2018-2019

A possible new pandemic is forming from a deadly strain of flu emerging from Australia and will be headed to the UK as the normal flow of travels would take it....

MIFiD II Delays…

Talk amongst many traders is that they are so unsure how the new rules and regulations surrounding the implementation of MIFiD II (Markets in Financial Instruments...

The EU Bad Loan Crisis to Get Much Worse – The Solution = Financial Pandemic

The bad loan (“non-performing loan” (NPL)) crisis in Europe is well known and many have been calling for this issue to be addressed. In Italy, the bad...

Year-end For Asia

The Year-End number for the Shanghai share index is 3239.5. A closing above this number will keep the market in a consolidation mode. Resistance stands at 3478.01...

, Market Talk- December 28, 2017

Although not all markets closed positive, the overall theme certainly was. Shanghai and Hang Seng were both strong with gains made from Tech, Consumers and Energy...

Western Pennsylvania Buried more than 5ft of Snow

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why the h–l does not the world listen to you. I am in Erie, Pa. We have more than 60 inches of snow without drifts. The drift on my...

Venezuela Oil Industry Collapsing & May Take the Gov’t With It

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserve in the world. However, they are out of gasoline. The government has attributed this to poor management which has led to...