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Tag: the hunt for taxes

Does the SCOTUS Support Capital Gains Taxes?

The government believes it has unlimited power to tax the citizens of the United States. The idea of capital gains taxes on unrealized earnings will be an economic...

History is our Only Road Map to the Future

  Many people hated history class because they said it was just about a lot of wars and killing people. That was true of modern history, particularly, for they...

The Second Motive of the Migrant Crisis Revealed

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely...

London’s DAILY Driving Tax

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has a firm grip on London. The WEF has warned us that they plan to ban private car ownership to save the world. All it takes is the...

The IRS and Another Multi-Billion-Dollar Mistake

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continually makes multi-billion-dollar mistakes. The agency “accidentally” sent $1.1 billion in advanced child tax credits to...

Australia – The Most Aggressive Tax Authority in the World?

Australia has been perhaps the most aggressive tax authority in the world. They are certainly competing to be #1. Besides stalking children to see where they go to...

Canada’s Hunt For Taxes Turns on Minimum Wage Earners

The hunt for taxes has turned to employees of companies. Any benefit you give an employee is considered “soft-income” and is to be taxed. In the USA,...

City of Seattle Runs Out of Things to Tax – Now Wants to Impose Income Tax

The Seattle City Council has run out of things to tax so they have unanimously voted to impose an income tax upon the “rich”, and of course we all know...

Local Police Writing Tickets for Anything

COMMENT: Hi Martin Message from the UK. My brother went into town, and he put a cigarette out on the pavement. Because he took 2 steps away from it before picking...

Interrogation By Bankers to Do Anything With Your Money

QUESTION: A bank manager at a local bank called and began asking questions about a wire transfer to Panama that we had some difficulty sending. We are purchasing a...