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Tag: Hillary Clinton

Hillary – The Corruption Never Ends

More and more details keep surfacing about the corruption of the Clintons. The biggest contributors to Hillary are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Citibank. After...

Hillary Should be Careful Using “Sincerely” to Sign Letters

The popular view of the word “sincerely” has been its possible link to ancient Roman times. The Roman administrators grew tired of the frauds by...

Show me the Money – A Cesspool of Corruption in Washington & Brussels

COMMENT: Hi Martin What l resent is when the big corporations pay no tax at all, and when they get bailouts and still pay no tax when returning to profitability,...

Hillary: The Harbinger of Economic Destruction

The hypocrisy of Hillary is just beyond belief. She and her husband have lined their pockets from government well beyond most. She steered the contract for mining...