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Tag: France

French Police Arrest Man Because his Mask was Just Below his Nose

  COMMENT: The French police are out of control. In a recent video gone viral, a CCTV video footage shows a supermarket employee being violently arrested...

Macron Wants to Take Car Production from Germany

President Emmanuel Macron is waging war against Germany to usurp their car production by first killing it with climate change regulations. Then he announced an €8...

France Demanding to Trace Everything People Do – 21st Century Tyranny

Apple has been fighting off governments who are trying to eliminate all privacy by demanding the company provide back doors to allegedly combat terrorism. Now...

The Wrong Conspiracy – Is the Virus the Bait?

In France, journalists are no longer allowed to go out and cover stories. They need permission from the government and must explain what the story is about. Then...

The Coming French Revolution

  Ever since the civil unrest began on May 5, 2013, there has been escalating economic tension within France. A lack of economic growth has plagued France and...

The BS of Climate Change from Polar Bears to Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have worked in the Arctic Circle. They always show polar bears on ice but what they fail to tell the public is that they normally spend...

France & the Uprising

QUESTION: Would you say that the majority of French are becoming anti-Islam? GSD ANSWER: No, of course not. The blackout of such protests does make it hard to gauge...

France Blocks Reports of Protests Against Muslim Population

  There is a rising discontent in France, which has the largest Muslim population in Europe. Many French see their language and culture as being suppressed by...

Piketty is Back As Elizabeth Warren Adopts His Ideas

Thomas Piketty, the French economist from communism’s birthplace, is back and this time he wants to drive a stake through the heart of capitalism, end human...

Has the Freedom of Religion been Destroyed in France?

In France, the Catholic Assumption Day, or Assomption in France, is the day in Roman Catholic tradition when Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, was taken bodily up...