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Tag: 2024

A Look Back At Socrates’ Forecasts from January 2020

My January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg came up in recent conversation, and I was asked how I knew then that we’d be where we were...

Limited Military Draft — September 29, 2024?

The US military has been struggling to recruit new members for years. I have reported on this various times and noted that the computer predicts that a US draft may...

Zelensky Selling State Assets to Line His Pockets Before Fleeing to Miami

Zelensky is slick. He is now lining his pockets with the goal of becoming a billionaire when he flees to his estate in Miami. He is now trying to sell off all state...

G20 To Impose COVID Vaccine to Restrictions on International Travel

The world masters dictating to us, the scum of the earth, have adopted under the pretense of the COVID vaccine the means to shut down migration and travel...

Schwab Getting Desperate? Martin Armstrong Agenda Contributor at WEF

OK. I cannot even count the emails coming in on this one.  It seems Schwab has found someone with the same name but is just a journalist, and he has been sending...

The Assassination Cycle

As civil unrest grows, many question whether world leaders are at risk of assassination. Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was murdered while delivering a...

WHO Do You Think You Are? Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty

  All the world leaders supporting the Great Reset were eager to relinquish complete power to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO wanted to seize the...

Putin v Russian Neocons

COMMENT: It appears your Putin is backing down as reported by Fortune. That must mean that Ukraine is winning! DL REPLY: I have warned that Putin is a reasonable...

Chaos of the 2022 Elections on the Horizon

QUESTION: Hello! Wondering if the “Panic Cycles” surrounding the 2022 and 2024 elections are going to take place due to the hackable computerized...

Stagflation is Here

QUESTION: When do we talk about stagflation? F ANSWER: We are already experiencing it. Normally, the standard definition of “stagflation” has been...