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World Events

California Bans the Sale of Furs

California has become the first state to ban the sale of new fur clothing, starting in 2023. Used second-hand furs will still be legal to sell and no doubt they...

Negative Press Always Has to Find an Issue

It is really interesting how the press is so biased, that no matter the issue, they MUST simply spin it against Trump. It is really getting so bad these days that...

Wild 9-Year Cycles in Climate Change from Cold to Warm

On September 28, 1924, the New York Times reported that there was evidence that the Arctic had actually been tropical in the past. They reported that there was the...

The Cycle of Climate Fear Tactics

QUESTION: Thank you for your interesting writing on climate change. I take it you see the cycle as natural and this fear seems to flip back and forth between...

Bail-In v Bailout of Banks in USA

QUESTION: Might you clarify this response you gave on one of your very recent blogs. You said bail-in may NOT be permitted on US soil. Did you mean that despite the...

Algae Sucked all CO2 out of the Atmosphere Causing a Virtual Ice Age

Algae absorbs CO2 and a 500% increase in its population caused a mass extinction that wiped out more than three-quarters of all marine life and turned the planet...

Governments Ask Facebook to Create a Backdoor to See What you Say

According to the Guardian, the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are looking to pressure Facebook to create a backdoor into its encrypted messaging apps....

Central Banks Pre & Post-1971

QUESTION: You commented that the central banks had a difficult position when they were on the gold standard compared to post-1971. Could you explain that...

Government Raid Australian Press to Impose Censorship

We have lost all of our freedoms, we are just too busy to take notice. The pretend whistleblower against Trump was orchestrated by Democrats to create an issue for...