Members of President Trump’s administration denied details of a Monday Washington Post report that during a meeting with the Russian foreign minister and...
Macron’s funding reveals that elite Socialists were really behind him changing the label to sell a centrist agenda, but in reality, to maintain their...
The democratic decision-making process is actually dreaded by many politicians as too much work. The EU structure was clearly established to make sure that those...
Emmanuel Macron has shown just how inexperienced he is when it comes to international trade. Both Berlin and Brussels have rejected Macron’s central platform...
Trump fired Comey who was the head of the FBI. Trump said he fired Comey for his handling of an election-year email scandal involving then-Democratic presidential...
Emmanuel Macron’s victory promises no change for Europe and it has been the blessing Brussels wanted so badly to further advance the federalization of Europe....
Angela Merkel was the first phone call Emmanuel Macron made after the election. My point about the election for Macron would be the worst possible outcome for the...
Macron won about 65% to Le Pen 35%. Even Obama came out in support of Macron which obviously confirms Macron is the supporter of the establishment – not...
Le Pen conceded but will lead her Party in the Parliamentary elections next month. Macron paid a token gesture saying he understands the anger of 35% of the people...
Obama Intervenes in French election proving Macron is an establishment and represents no change for France thereby sealing its doom. Of course, Obama is doing...