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Tag: Politics

End of Socialism will Be A Tumultuous Hard Landing

QUESTION: Hi Martin: I’d love to believe that the collapse of this dead-end ideology is imminent, but when one looks at just the media situation in the...

Civil Unrest Engulfing the World

Everywhere we turn, politicians are abusing their power relentlessly because the global economy is moving against their best plans. In Paraguay, the nation’s...

Face of the AfD in Germany Looks to Resign

Frauke Petry, the face of the AfD in Germany, is apparently thinking about resigning from politics. She has stated publicly: “Neither the politics nor the...

Are we On the Verge of a Market Explosion to the Upside?

Tomorrow we end the first quarter of 2017. Politics on a global scale are the driving force. The failure of Trump and reform movements in Europe are the catalyst to...

Thinking & Understanding the Right Track

QUESTION: Martin, After many years of reading your work I thank you for improving my knowledge of all kinds. From reading your work I conclude the pi cycle has to...

Time for a Change in Reasoning

I receive a lot of emails questioning how our forecasts can be so correct on everything, from gold and stocks, to politics and the economy. I have stated all along...