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CDC Said there Have Been More Suicides Than Death by COVID-19

The Director of the CDC has come out and bluntly stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses than from COVID-19. The leftist media...

Less Than 15,000 People Have Died from COVID with Other Causes under 55

There has been a lot of turmoil about just how many people have died from COVID. The problem stems from the fact that they have other diseases and perhaps COVID has...

Patenting Viruses Can Only Be Done if They Are Created in a Lab

There is a very serious question with regard to patents. How is it possible to patent a virus? Legally, you should only be able to patent something you invent. You...

The Real Masters Behind the Scenes

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read your blog with great fascination recently as the great Covid hoax continues. You talk about the global agenda for one world government...

Are Gates & Soros All-Powerful?

QUESTION: Since Soros Gates and their friends are so powerful and since they control a lot of things, do you think they could manipulate the world stock markets...

Belgium Files LawSuit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson

Hundreds of angry Belgians have filed a lawsuit against Bill Gates, Belgium, and a British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson in court. They want all corona measures to...

The Elitists Are Risking their Lives to Maintain Lockdowns

COMMENT: Hi Marty. Is it time to despair yet?? (Only half kidding…) Pretty much every country is now bringing back restrictions, obligatory masks, regional...

Goldman Sachs Agrees to Pay Billions to Drop Criminal Charges Against Them

Goldman Sacks agreed to pay Malaysia $3.9 billion in league with the Department of Justice (who always protects Goldman) in return for Malaysia dropping all...

PRIVATE BLOG – Political Coup, Digital Currency & Manipulations

PRIVATE BLOG – Political Coup, Digital Currency & Manipulations Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates...

Understand What is at Foot

COMMENT: Martin: I have been an avid follower for many years. My first expose to your writings must have been when you were ‘detained’ as the reports...