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Will Russia’s Economy Exceed Germany’s Anytime Soon?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Standard Chartered has forecast that Russia will overtake Germany as the world’s fifth largest economy, possibly as early as next...

72% of Democrats Hate Russians When Even Obama Said Russia Did Not Hack the Vote

The question of the Democrats to win in 2020 by constantly investigating Trump and links to Putin is rising to the surface. While the Democrats blame Putin for...

Democrats Poised to Launch a Range of Political Probes Against Trump & Russia

The next two years will do more to undermine the trust, confidence, and faith in government as the Democrats launch their political agenda to try to smear Trump for...

Dominick Dunn – Death in Monaco

  Dominick Dunn was someone I was in contact with about the claimed murder of Edmond Safra. He told me that someone came up to him in Paris in a restaurant and...

Russia Starts Criminal Investigation of Browder While US Deep State Protects him

The Russians present 1,000 pages of documentation on Browder to which the United States has refused to even respond.  The curious thing here is Browder regularly...

Did Browder Have Magnitsky Killed?

The Russian prosecutors on Monday has begun a criminal investigation into Bill Browder of ordering the murder of accountant Sergei Magnitsky and several other...

Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia

Little by little the truth is starting to surface with respect to the blackmail of Yeltsin and the attempt to take over Russia during the 2000 election. Now the...

Attributing All-Powerful Ability to CIA is not Warranted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only reliable source on these machinations of Russiagate. There are those who say that the neoconservatives...

Russia & Its Development

  COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, With all respect to you and enlightenment you share with us, I would like to share some with you on Russ tribe, its origin, and...

China to Support Syria Along with Russia Against USA

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You said that China would eventually send troops to the Middle East and join with Russia in Syria. China just openly told that to the...