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International News

Refugees File in Court to Bring Relatives to Germany

Over 17,000 asylum seekers in Germany have filed lawsuits, clogging the courts, that are aimed at getting their families to join them in Germany. This is the same...

Anonymous v Hillary

Three Supermoons of 2016

Our model does not factor in astronomy, astrology, nor religious prophecies. We did not select the date for the World Economic Conference to align with the biggest...

Trump’s Drain the Swamp Trump’s Latest Message Drain the “Swamp” He Calls Washington. This is why the Republican elite stand...

Curious Undecided Went for Trump?

Brussels Contemplates Outlawing Short Selling on European Bank Stocks

The European banks are in much worse shape than their US competition. The reason being argued in Europe is that the US government imposed a ban on speculation...

Clinton Staffer Hands Questions to Andrea Mitchell

This video shows a Clinton staff member texting NBC’s Andrea Mitchell a question to ask Hillary. The press no longer reports the news — they are part of...

Is Hillary Behind the False Charges against Julian Assange?

Hillary has a reputation for being very vindictive. The latest is that she is ultimately behind the whole incident of accusing Julian Assange of sex crimes. This is...

Best Site for Easy Access to Hillary’s Emails by Topic

  The Most Revealing Emails from the #PodestaFiles, Separated By Category (Parts 1 –...