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North America

Hillary: The Most Devious Politician of All Time?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Have you ever met or advised Hillary Clinton? ANSWER: No. I was asked to meet with Bill when he was first elected in Arkansas after he...

Can Rating Agencies be Trusted?

COMMENT: The manipulations of S&P indicate that these clowns’ output should be printed on absorbent paper. The point is exactly that this company and its...

Hillary’s Questionable Past

QUESTION: I found your article on Hillary email scandal very informative. So you are saying that the financial scandals were all Hillary, not Bill? ANSWER: Correct....

Hillary – Has She Compromised the Country?

A very serious issue is starting to rise behind the curtain. Obama is blasting Trump as part of some global elitist group that does not exist outside of those in...

The Rising Trend of Anti-Establishment and Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your model on civil unrest and war seem to be rather amazing. The anti-establishment feeling is rising quite strong. Not sure what’s...

Hillary & the Email Conspiracy that even Taints Obama

I previously reported on June 15, that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails. That is now starting to surface in the press, but naturally outside the USA where the...

BREXIT – One of Four Anti-Establishment Elections

  Many comments and emails are pouring in that our model correctly forecast BREXIT years in advance. Here is the picture for the next big chaos period —...

Guccifer Hacker Releases DNC Documents

The hacker Guccifer has hacked Hillary’s email server before. He has now hacked the Democratic National Committee. Reports state that no financial records...

Hillary is Really Corrupt

When Hillary was the Secretary of State, she refused to appoint an Inspector General to monitor her department. It was clear that she did not want anyone snooping...

The Clinton White House – 2.0

While the devastating book is now out entitled Crisis of Character, it effectively divides Hillary as creating all the financial scandals questioning her honesty...