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Month: October 2013

Saudis-Syria & Reserve Status of the Dollar

QUESTION: Your insight into the Saudi’s supplying the chemical weapons and arms to the Syrian Rebels long before anyone even had a hint of that was...

What About Gold – Hoarding – & the Reserve Dollar Status

The Debt Ceiling Crisis has done far more damage than anyone suspects. It has drawn attention to the Sovereign Debt Crisis by highlighting the national debt and...

They are Calling it a Collapse in Capitaism

The view of the American budget crisis from outside the USA is one that is blaming Wall Street and the banks and calling for the next crisis to be the final...

Growing Concern About the Federalization of Europe

The famous statue in Brussels to many is a symbol of the attitude of the politicians in Europe gathered in Brussels toward the rest of Europe and individuality. The...

Currency Controls At Chase

We have been given several letters from readers all saying the same thing addressed to different firms around the country and all are dated October 8th through...

The Solution

QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstong Reflecting on your thought written “Solutions” is the QE process partially accomplishing the thought of eliminating Public...

Markets Are Always Right

The fundamentals are really worthless because you can always extract just the ones to support your current view to “talk your own book” as they say. The...

IMF Reports

Those interested in the IMF Report – here is a link...

There is nothing new under the Sun. It has ALL been done Before

QUESTION: You mention the following comment recently. ”I am very concerned about are precious metals even going to be viable. Will this confiscation of...

Of Course there was a Deal

Of course as always after weeks of political brinkmanship over a possible US debt default, the deal was reached after House Republicans dropped efforts to use the...