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Month: October 2013

Was Navy Seal Team Six Murdered Thanks to Joe Biden?

The death of Navy Seal Team Six is being called another conspiracy blamed on Joe Biden for even blabbing who killed bin Laden as pointed out by the Washington...

Was Byzantium any Better than Rome?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Thanks for sharing your knowledge of Ancient Coinage. The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire lasted for over a thousand years and is fabled...

Who is the Largest Hold of US Debt?

QUESTION: I have read the following statement  & wish to corroborate it as fact from you, whom I consider best informed: “ Today the two largest holders of...

NSA has left the Reservation

Here we go with Feinstein wanting to imprison anyone who dares criticizes her NSA. Will this be used as justification to invade Europe now? It would be a major...


QUESTION: Also as you mentioned many times japan being in a 23-26 year Depression is this sequence  also a Bear Market Count ? Your Inside is much appreciated....

Detroit – The Map that we are ALL following

Detroit is an example of the entire financial crisis with regard to the state workers and their pensions. For every person that retires, the state replaces them and...

Ancient Coins As Investment

  A number of people have been inquiring about coins as an investment for parking money. Keep in mind that the best market for coins or stamps tend to be the...

Eliminating the 4th Amendment & 1st Amendment Freedom of the Press All At One Time

Homeland Security seizes records of Washington Times Investigative Journalist. Freedom of the Press is fading into the sunset. Meanwhile, the Justice Department is...

Canadian Radio Interview

This Week in Money with host Jim Goddard in Canada Interviewing Martin Armstrong in Switzerland...

Obama Opposed Raising the Debt Ceiling in 2006

The Washington Post has noted that Obama was opposed to raising the Debt Ceiling back in 2006. Here is his actual speech. March 16, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL...