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Tag: Media Censorship

Germany Bans Conservative Voices

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that the nation banned conservative Compact Magazine for allegedly inciting hatred. Authorities raided properties in...

Democrats Want Kennedy off the Ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a man of the people who has been fighting the corrupt system to remain on the ballots. The mainstream media refuses to cover Kennedy’s...

Elon Musk Partners with World Economic Forum

I like Elon Musk for his innovative mind and willingness to speak out against the establishment. Is he part of the controlled opposition? I did not believe it to be...

Study: Vaccines had “NO Beneficial Effects”

YouTube recently removed an interview I participated in with Palisades Radio for mentioning this study. I have posted the video on Rumble at the bottom of this...

Ashley Biden’s Journal Confirmed to be Factual Yet Again

The mainstream media continues to sweep this information under the rug, but if it were not (D)ifferent), this would be one of the biggest presidential scandals in...

The Truth About Fake News

The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote that global warming would damage a tenth of the world’s residential property by value. They...

Google and Election Interference

  Anyone with access to the internet from 2019 to 2020 can tell you that Google did, in fact, meddle in the 2020 US Presidential Elections in favor of...

Bloodbath Propaganda

A quote by former President Trump was completely taken out of context and used by the leftist media to create an ongoing propaganda campaign. I will note the full...

TikTok Ban – WAR on Free Speech

  Congress cannot agree on anything other than dismantling the First Amendment. There is no greater threat to the establishment than the uncensored sharing of...

The Online News Act Bill C-18

The Canadian government does not want people sharing news stories online. The government should be the sole source of information. The Online News Act (Bill C-18)...