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Tag: Humor

Satire of the American Election or Reality?

MANCHUKISTAN: Social Media channels under the influence of self-declared presidential race winner Joseph Bidenski have banned Manchukistan’s incumbent opposition...

The COVID Waltz – the New Norm

    This is the “New Norm” for the high school prom. I suppose this will bring back memories. I suppose people will no longer be allowed to...

Is Free Will a Sin?

Ask to be Fired if You are Told to Stay Home

Since governments are overreacting, small business owners can help employees in many states by firing them so they can collect unemployment. Perhaps we need...

When You Thought You Hit A Dog

QUESTION: You are wrong as usual. We just had the hottest decade. This is all about fossil fuels. There was never a CO2 problem until fossil fuels. KJ ANSWER: This...