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Tag: Big Pharma

Is Big Pharma Punishing South Africa?

South Africa denied Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson from delivering additional vaccines. A day later, on November 25, the omicron variant was detected in the...

Moderna Cashes in On Omicron

Moderna, the company that produced its first vaccination under Operation Warp Speed, said it is close to producing a new vaccine for the omicron variant. The news...

VICE: How Big Pharma Gets Dangerous Drugs Approved

(Click here to view the video on VICE’s website) A VICE News special shows how the pharmaceutical companies lobby the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to...

Side Effects Mount as Biden, FDC, CDC, & NIH have all Abandoned Health

Big Pharma has absolute immunity, and since the federal government is mandating vaccines, there is ABSOLUTELY NOBODY to compensate people seriously injured from...

Even the Left is Questioning Natural Immunity

Notoriously left Bill Maher is wondering why America denies the impact of natural immunity. “If is willing to go into a burning building and says,...

Big Pharma to Earn $124 Billion on COVID Vaccine Sales in 2022

COVID-19 was the most lucrative virus in perhaps the history of pharmaceuticals. After receiving government (taxpayer) funds through Operation Warp Speed to develop...

The CDC Fraud of 1976 With Swine Flu – They Never Tell the Truth

  The problem we have is that the government protects its own and routinely refuses to pay victims of vaccines while granting 100% immunity to Big Pharma. So...

NIH Lies – Funded GoF from Bats in China

Apparently, you can never hide the truth forever. A top NIH official has finally admitted in a letter that they indeed funded “gain-of-function” (GoF)...

FDA Corruption Claims the Benefits Outweigh the Risks without Explanation

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to Nordic countries limiting the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine last week, saying the shot’s benefits...

Do as I Command, Not as I do!

All the names of every politician should be published. Any politicians taking ANY “donations” from lobbyists connected even remotely with Big Pharma,...