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World Events

NATO Preparing for World War III

Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that they may have to wage war on two fronts simultaneously. NATO is considering what they call a defensive...

JFK, Nixon & Trump

Despite the hatred that many pour all over Trump, they really should stop and think for a moment, that they have been subjected to brainwashing. I have stated...

War & Capital Flows

COMMENT: Marty, I attended your coming out WEC in Philadelphia in 2011. Just about everyone I spoke with said the same thing. They all showed up to make sure it was...

Depression Scrip – Coming to a Region Near You

QUESTION: At the WEC, you said as the nation breaks apart, the most likely course of action will be the creation of local currencies. You also said you would post a...

The Real Debt Crisis is Here

QUESTION: Marty, Ever since the debacle in London with the long-term debt, there have been whispers in NYC about how the demand for long-term is drying up. When...

China Raises Draft Age up to 60 Years Old

Of course, China knows that the Biden Administration wants war. They are increasing their age limits for military service to up to 60 years old. Don’t get...

The Collapse of the Monetary System – a Comedy of Errors

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be...

The Coming War

COMMENT: Hi Marty, As it appears the US is marching toward war, what is notable this time, unlike what happened in the run-up to US participation in WW2, was the...

War & Disease – What Comes Next After COVID

QUESTION: I found it really interesting how you have used the coinage to ascertain the costs of wars and to confirm the history. You have shown coins that show even...

PRIVATE BLOG – Most Wars Begin in July-September

PRIVATE BLOG – Most Wars Begin in July-September Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...