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The True Story of Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, could you please explain what happens in technical terms from a capital flow perspective, when confidence is lost and hyperinflation...

The Insanity of Bitcoin & CBDC

QUESTION: Just about every Bitcoin advocate says you are wrong and Bitcoin cannot be stopped. Yet, it seems they are dreaming. Here in Europe, we are already...

The Rule of Law – BEWARE Crypto-Lovers

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think it might be helpful to explain to people that the government can subpoena any third party with regard to cryptocurrencies and they...

PRIVATE BLOG – Cancelling Currencies

PRIVATE BLOG – Cancelling Currencies Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

BITCOIN – The Reality Check

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to thank you for the education. When you explained that Bitcoin was not some hedge against central banks or an exception to...

Ship of Fools

QUESTION: Do you think that this entire scam with cryptocurrencies that the government will be able to track, do they realize that in war you take down the power...

The Bitcoin Delusion

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Now with Switzerland outlawing a cashless society, I understand your point that cryptocurrency is really a dead end. Without power, it...

Depression Scrip – Coming to a Region Near You

QUESTION: At the WEC, you said as the nation breaks apart, the most likely course of action will be the creation of local currencies. You also said you would post a...

Digital Dollars – the Real Agenda

I know we have a lot of people expressing their opinion that the dollar will crash because when the government converts it to digital, it will be like spy wear...