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Antibiotics & The End of an Era

COMMENT:  Let’s see, penicillin was discovered in 1928, and first used en mass in 1943. Today, in 2015, antibiotic resistance is really becoming a problem...

Taxing Money: The Call to Arms by the IMF

COMMENT: Dear Martin –  I have been a follower for some time now and had great pleasure in hearing you speak at the Princeton WEC.  Thank you for so readily...

Gold, Geopolitics, & the Dollar

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for you blog and your informed perspective on world markets. I’ve owned gold and silver bullion for about 10 years and since...

Why Are Roman Hoards Found Around 274-300 AD?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I saw another article about a trove of 4,000 Roman coins found in Switzerland. I read that the earliest date was 274 AD, during the reign of...

Welcome to the New Age Economy – Even Buffet Cannot Make the Transition

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I diversified my money into a number of hedge funds and I lost on each and every one from gold, commodities, stocks that did not even match...

Carving Up the Middle East

QUESTION: Why did ISIS target France rather than Germany? Someone said it was France who created Syria. Is that really true? ANSWER: Germany is not actually a...

Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Martin, Is there any conceptual common nonlinear resonance ground shared between the ECM and the underlying theory explaining LENR? JAJ ANSWER: Low...

Reforming the Federal Reserve

QUESTION: In your Nov. 15 blog you said about the Fed “ I do not think in its present form it should be owned by banks collecting 6%. I would advocate a...

Fed vs. Congress vs. Bankers

QUESTION: Don’t you think it is wrong that the private banks own the institution that administers them. ANSWER: You have to understand the original intent of the...

Congress vs. Federal Reserve

QUESTION: the big question: WHY do USA still have the FED (a private company) dictating the USA economy????????? MK ANSWER: Very simple. The Fed was originally a...