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Trump on Interest Rates -OMG!

I have said this many times, when it comes to understanding interest rates Trump is speaking the standard mantra that people apply when it comes to interest rates....

Is it Our Time to Rock & Roll?

QUESTION: Marty, Sometime you compare today’s financial markets and economy to what was going on in the mid to late 1920s . Woodrow Wilson is even referenced...

Can Government Prevent a Major Debt Crisis?

QUESTION: Hi Martin I recently stumped upon a documentary on Netflix about you and your model. I then went on and watched some YouTube videos. To me it makes...

Fixed Exchange Rates Have Always Caused Major Financial Crises

Margaret Thatcher on the ERM Crisis & why even the euro will...

Currency That Expires – That’s the Solution – Or Just Cancel it all?

Back during the Great Depression, there were people who theorized that gold hoarding was preventing an economic recovery. There is always this same theory that...

Lebanon Declares State of Economic Emergency

Lebanon has maintained a peg to the US dollar for about two decades and as all pegs go, this one is under pressure as the rise in the dollar imports deflation. The...

The True Nature of Socialism – Exerting Power

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for everything you do so well. My question to you is, “Do you agree that absolutely anything paid for using...

Washington Post Praying for a Recession to Defeat Trump

It has become obvious that the mainstream press is FAKE NEWS. They are indeed out to get Trump and are using their position to desperately try to support the...

Assets v Currency

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I read your blog daily, and i can t say thank you enough. on interest rate, you say market rallied when they got the rumors of...

Why I Thank God I am Not 25

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, In this morning’s blog you stated that the Dems are trying to take control of the power in Chicago, which I assume is the plan for...