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The Hunt for Global Taxes

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Tax Robbery

The proposal is to create a global tax rate as world leaders move to create a one-world government. The United Nations, behind the curtain, is preaching that ONLY they can solve the world crisis in climate change, for it requires a single government to control the world. On top of that, Bill Gates has taken over the funding for studies by Ivermectin & Fluvoxamine Clinical Trial Targeting COVID-19. We can bet that given his monopoly over vaccines, taking over the funding of studies to show an alternative to vaccines will by no means be legitimate. The conflicts of interest are vast.



As I have warned, they desperately needed to remove Trump from office because they viewed him as an outsider and someone elected by “populism,” which threatened the world establishment of political control by elite career politicians. They are now moving in high gear to eliminate democracy by 2022, but certainly, their goal is by 2024.

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As I have warned, our models of politics have NEVER shown Panic Cycles since the 1930s. It appears that some states are trying to fight back where the Democrats want mail-in ballots that are not secure and same-day registration to vote to ensure there can be no verification of who the people even are. The Supreme Court has abandoned its role to protect our constitution by refusing to hear any of the cases, which may not have overturned the election but would have dealt with changing the rules as they went.

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People have no idea what is at stake. These people in power want ABSOLUTE control, and they never want another popular person to run for office anywhere that would dare to threaten their goal of eliminating democracy. Then they want worldwide taxation, and this has been the goal of the United Nations. They argued that climate change could not be combated by a single country. It will take a one-world government, UNELECTED, of course, to rule the world and make regulations that dictate everything right down to what you can and cannot do in your home.